These are some of the many shortcuts to Photoshop tools that help artists, game designers and many more complete their work at a more efficient rate.
- Alt+Mouse Wheel allows the user to zoom in and out of the project screen to get more accurate corrections or edits.
- Ctrl+T allows the user to select whatever is on the current frame and adjust or move it.
- Ctrl+S allows the user to quickly save the current project into a designated file.
- Ctrl+ N allows the user to open a new canvas, page or whatever one calls it.
- Ctrl+L allows the user to change the colors of a selected frame or text.
- And lastly, - (Left) Shift+Mouse 1 w/ Paintbrush Tool allows the user to make perfectly strait lines, without the hassle that the line tool brings.
This is the image of the Octopus with all of the forestry removed.
-Firstly I imported the image into Photoshop, then from there I proceeded to slowly remove each pixel that was of the forest behind the octopus with the eraser tool.
Then after that I cleaned it up a bit more, removed he white background, and cropped it down to a visible size, then I exported the image and pasted it into the blog and made it to medium size.
This is the Photoshop tutorial i hope to complete in the future.