Friday, September 7, 2018

What to learn - in - Information Technology

-What do I already know?
 I understand the basics to programming (HTML, CSS, Etc...) and some of the basic functions to Photoshop. I also understand how gaming journalism works as I enjoy it a lot. 
Related image

-What do I want to learn?
    I would like to learn more about coding and programming, specifically  programming surrounding video game themes. As well as a lot more about Photoshop and it's endless possibilities.
Image result for photoshop

-How will computers fit into your future?
    A computer could become a work space for me as I may begin getting into Photoshop art, if not that, Programming. As well as on the side I play a lot of video games which has entertained me for a majority of my life.
Image result for computer
( keep in mind, the video above contains video game violence, but its very well made. )